Weekend at the spa in Bulgaria – Chiflika and Troyan
- Raluca
- February 13, 2020
- Bulgaria
- spa
Would you ever have thought that you could enjoy a spa weekend during winter in Bulgaria? Well, I didn’t, until recently, when I discovered the thermal waters at Chiflika and the tiny town Troyan. Compared to other major European spa destinations, prices are lower, the crowds are almost missing and the facilities are good enough. […]
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Ezerets, Shabla and Tyulenovo – Weekend in Bulgaria
I know that not many foreigners get to the Bulgarian seaside and even less to the northern side, but in case you are in Bulgaria during the summer, there are some places close-by ready to be discovered. Although I wouldn’t choose these beaches instead of the ones in Thailand, Cuba or even Greece or Croatia, […]
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Where to taste snails on the Bulgarian seaside?
When I visited Morocco I didn’t dare to taste snails, even if I was curious. I had read that at Dalboka they had sea snails skewers. It did not sound that bad as a bowl full of snails together with the water they were boiled in and I decided to give them a chance. So, […]
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Dalboka Farm – mussels with everything
We left to the seaside decided to include in our trip also Dalboka farm for a good meal with sea fruits. I had decided to try this time also the snails. I had the opportunity also in Morocco, but when I saw them in a bowl, with or without the soup in which they had […]
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